Thursday, April 7, 2011

Back To The Future - No, Really

I have an affinity for Back To The Future, the whole idea of being able to go back in time and change the past intrigues me. I often think of the things I would like to change and whether or not I would actually go through with it - go through with making those changes that may very well change my life for the worse. In the end, in the scenario in my mind,  always go through with it. I picture myself talking to the younger me and in most cases I would listen, but not all - I know that about me :). I would say, 'do this. . .' and 'don't do that. . .' and most of all, 'be grateful. . .'

One thing I wouldn't change though, is moving out of my mom's house. that really gave me insight into my fortitude and sense of self. I would not have gone on to do many of the things I have done professionally if it hadn't been for me moving out. Ultimately it led to me being on my own, and I believe adamantly that everyone should spend at least a year on their own. You learn so much about yourself and your ability to survive without assistance; it helps you learn about responsibility and ownership. I am grateful for my time alone.

Besides the things I would and wouldn't change, I also had a crush on Michael J. Fox - so here's to you Marty McFly - I raise my glass high and tilt my head back to catch every drop. I hope the remake doesn't suck.

Tomorrow, Blankety Blank Blank. . .


  1. It's fun to p]ay along with Marty and his pursuits. But, ultimately, as you said, we learn the hard way, all of us.

  2. Yes, the hard way was my specialty Rosaria.

  3. Are you saying that they are making an other "Back to the Future"? I hope not, because I like Micheal J Fox a lot especially his views on life and how we choose our own troubles in comparison to other people's hard ships.

  4. Munir, unfortunately I did hear some rumblings about a re-make - arrghhhh! These movie executives ruin everything classic, good, and wholesome!

  5. go re-make psycho cop - that movie sucked and could use it


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