Friday, April 29, 2011

No Sleep, No Problem!

I dedicate this post to all of the over-achievers and parents out there who can't remember the last time they had a full 8 hours sleep.

Despite the title of this post, no sleep is a very big problem indeed. No sleep equals cranky, tired, delusional, hallucinations, and for me, a serious case of the giggles. Delirium+Giggles=Creepy. This math has lead many of my managers from time to time, when working on projects that required very long hours, to comment, "You have a maniacal laugh." I can't help myself, there is something about not sleeping that I apparently find ultra funny to everyones dismay and annoyance. To top it off, when I get in this state, I find it hard to sleep when presented with a bed. Too tired to sleep, pss-shaw!

So here I am, about to approach the marker which lets me know, "Danger, danger Will Robinson!" - I am about to become a female version of the villainous Joker. What to do, what to do?

I, know! Sleep - goodnight folks :)

Tomorrow, Ettiqute, Are You Sure You Spelled That Right?. . .

1 comment:

  1. That sleep deprived giggling happens to me too!! I get all giddy and can't stop laughing, much to the annoyance of those around me.

    Another one of the joys of The Overwhelmption.


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